Luana Maia
Luana Maia is a Senior Associate at NatureFinance and advances our Global Brazil work. She has more than 15 years of work experience integrating themes of sustainability, governance, and the human factor in managing high-impact projects. Previously, Luana was the Director of Strategic Planning at the Brazilian Business Council for Sustainable Development, helping companies to move forward in several agendas such as food system, biodiversity, and Amazon. In addition, Luana was the first executive secretariat of the Brazilian Coalition on Climate Forests and Agriculture, one of the largest multi-stakeholder forums in Brazil, reuniting representatives from academia, business, and civil society working to promote and implement a low-carbon economy focused on land use in Brazil. Besides other positions in important national and international NGOs and think thanks, she holds a bachelor's in international relations and a master's in Sustainability, is based in São Paulo – Brazil - and is a mother of one.